In the last few months, Credo’s curiosity about spirits and demonic presence influencing people's motivations and interests has surfaced in almost every conversation. A casual discussion about pole dancing after the gym left us at odds. I saw pole dancing as a fun and girly way to express femininity and sex appeal while getting some exercise. His response was, “What spirit do you have to tap into in order to pole dance?” Annoyed, I retorted, “I’m not tapping into any spirit; I’m just having fun.” At the time, he was more focused on renewing his thoughts by God, while I wanted to be more like Jesus and still remain the same. It was convicting. It was annoying. It was uncomfortable. Yet, his question revealed a lot about where I stood and who I was in Christ.

The goodness of God and the goodness displayed through the Holy Spirit in others, leads us to repentance.

When considering the word "good" or "goodness," our pleasure is often at the center of it. Whether it’s a good song, outfit, meal, or show, the root of “good” in the natural sense is tied to enjoyment and pleasure. In the Bible, goodness is described as "uprightness in heart and life." God's goodness, the goodness of others, and the goodness we achieve is not predicated on feelings or emotions, mood or perspective; goodness is our capacity for uprightness in heart and life. Allowing the goodness of God to move in our lives means letting His uprightness change, correct, and expose areas that don’t mirror Him. Believers with His spirit can display His goodness, which can sometimes feel good, but at other times, it will urge us to examine areas where we are choosing something other than God.

Scripture Breakdown

Ephesians 5:8-11 (NIV):

(1) For you were once darkness but now you are light in the Lord. (2) Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness [uprightness in heart and life], righteousness, and truth) and (3) Find out what pleases the Lord. (4) Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but (5) rather expose them.

You mirror who you serve: Notice it says you were darkness—not in darkness, not like darkness—you were darkness. Until you are in Christ, then you are light. Not in light, not like light—you are light. No middle ground, no dimly lit spaces. You is or you aint.

Live: Actively participate and choose to be a child of light. How can you know you’re a child of light? By your fruit, consisting of goodness, righteousness, and truth.

Find: Actively search and seek diligently what pleases the Lord. How can you know what pleases Him? Read your Bible.

Have nothing to do with darkness because there is no middle ground. You are light or you are darkness. Having a pinky in darkness will have your whole body in darkness.

Expose fruitless deeds of darkness by bearing the fruit of the light. How do you bear the fruit of the light? By being in Christ.

Our Capacity for Bearing the Fruit of Goodness Depends on Our Obedience, Submission, and Pursuit of Christ

At the point of salvation, you are given the Holy Spirit. You carry God in and through you every day. The fruit of the Spirit, your sensitivity to the Spirit, and your conviction from the Spirit depend on how closely you walk with Christ daily.

If you want to bear more fruit, dig deeper into your relationship with Christ.

If you want to know the quality of your fruit, dig deeper into your relationship with Christ.

If you want to be more like Christ, dig deeper into your relationship with Christ. To be like Him, you have to know Him.


