Most people use kindness and niceness interchangeably, but when you consider the definitions, synonyms, and connotations associated with each word, you are able to identify the stark difference between them.

Niceness is an agreeable or pleasant manner in socializing with others. Some synonyms include charm, agreeableness, amiability, and pleasentness. Niceness much like charm is an ornamental aspect of a person’s character that can be used to distract, deter, or mask an element or quality they don’t want you to see. Kindness by earthly definition is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Some synonyms include helpfulness, charitableness, warm-heartedness, tender-heartedness. Kindness is an indication of a heart posture towards others, a mirror to one’s character, and an intentional move or act that works to the benefit of another person.

Some of us have used the term nice-nasty when describing someone’s behavior. Maybe our eyebrows raise at the observation or feeling of someone’s niceness. A question of motive, intent, and heart is often accompanied with a nice gesture. While kindness can never been coupled with nastiness, is never void of clear and direct meaning. Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit. Whether you are in Christ or around Him, you know and can feel, when you’re tasting the sweet fruit of a kind heart and spirit.

the loving-kindness of god prompted him to sacrifice his son in order for us to be reconciled to him

The biblical definition for kindness is moral goodness, integrity, and compassion in action.

In the bible there are two groups of people discussed. There are the Jews aka Children of Israel aka The Chosen People. Then, you have the Gentiles which is comprised of everybody who isn’t a Jew aka the rest of the world. The only reason why we who are not Jews are able to know and be in relationship with God is because of Christ. Through His burial and resurrection, connection with God is not based on lineage or ability to keep the law, but it is based on faith, which is something we all can possess.

In Romans 11, it discusses how God used the rejection of the Israelites as an open door for the Gentiles, us, to be grafted into His family. God did not leave us stranded, He did not leave us as orphans without a true family. Through His kindness i.e moral goodness He has allowed us an opportunity to be co-heirs with Christ, to be in fellowship with Him moment to moment through the Holy Spirit. His kindness was sacrificial, intentional, clear in intent and full of righteous integrity.

Titus 3:4-8 states “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.

  • The kindness and love of God worked for our benefit, was freely given, and was a result of His character. If your intentions do not mirror God’s while showing kindness, you’re not actually being kind. You’re being something else. Pray on it.

  • Without the renewal and rebirth of the Holy Spirit our attempts at kindness will be based in our own power, in our own motives, and will ultimately have us at the center of it. There is no kindness without the Holy Spirit.

  • Devoting ourselves as believers to doing what is good is excellent and profitable for EVERYONE

  • Submission to the pruning of Christ and conviction of the Holy Spirit is not just about jewels on my crown and treasures in heaven. PEOPLE SEE JESUS WHEN WE ARE MORE LIKE JESUS. People are on the floor, face down, miserable, and hopeless right now as I type and you read. Obedience, submission, sanctification, evidence of God in your life will move people to Christ.

  • People die and go to hell everyday. Get on your square. The people assigned to you need your obedience, willingness to bear fruit, to stay obedient, and minister to them. Friends, playtime is over.


Mothers don’t produce milk to feed themselves, babies don’t scream as a means to talk to themselves, artists don’t create for their own entertainment alone, and trees do not swallow the fruit hanging from their branches. If what you’re producing is for you alone, where is the honor in that? Where is Jesus in that? Where is kindness in that? The gifting, talents, fruit, obedience, submission, and Godly character we have cannot be solely for our benefit. If Jesus is our example, where in the bible did He do anything for the benefit of Himself? Like, He hung on a cross and died. He could have allowed Himself to die quickly, but He suffered through a death that we actively deserved and still deserve, took our place and died, just so we have the chance to live. The kindness of God is why you and I are alive today. Bearing that same fruit will be the reason someone is curious about the wonder of Christ tomorrow.

Be kind. Be intentional. Be all the way foreal and submit to God because what is more important? Literally nothing.


